Tim and Chris Bagwell serve with New Life Nicaragua with an orphanage near Managua.
John and Melissa Camiola serve as teachers in Nigeria with Serving In Mission Ministries.
Doug and Nancy Everswick serve as field leaders for the Evangelical Alliance Mission in Zimbabwe.
Ken and Anne Haugh serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators on the TechAdvance team.
Steve and Jan Hobson serve with Campus Crusade for Christ at the International School of Theology in the Philippines, preparing men and women for ministry.
Josh and Amy Jensen serve with EMU International and will serve the Jarai tribal churches in Cambodia through Bible translation and teaching.
Rafael and Mary Restrepo are involved in church planting ministries in Spain with Advancing the Ministry of the Gospel.
Gloria and Wilbur Sequeira serves with Forward Edge International as a field coordinator in Nicaragua, ministering to the orphans of Managua.
Ernesto and Margaret Zavala serve with Ripe For the Harvest in areas of ministries for deaf children and street children in Peru and Latin American countries.
THE GIDEONS local chapters are active in Bible distribution throughout the Island.
HELPING HAND RESCUE MISSION serves the poor and needy in the Huntington area.
LI YOUTH FOR CHRIST provides ministries of evangelism and discipleship training for teens.
LI YOUTH MENTORING provides “one to one” care and support for at risk teens and families.
SOUNDVIEW PREGNANCY SERVICES comes alongside expecting mothers and fathers who are having an unplanned pregnancy.
CAMP ORCHARD HILL provides retreats and camps throughout the year to help draw those who attend closer to Christ.
CAMP SPOFFORD provides retreats and camps throughout the year to help draw those who attend closer to Christ.